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sainte nèl


average rating is 4.5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, Reviews

about sainte nèl

A non-toxic nail care and wellness brand committed to cultivating strong nails and healthy hands. As a brand founded by a Black Woman, they celebrate diversity and prioritize holistic wellness. Their mission is to support your wellness journey, by encouraging moments of self-care.

meet bethany

Bethany J. Peak is an attorney turned entrepreneur. She founded Sainte Nèl, her non-toxic nail care company, as a manifestation of her interest in non-toxic beauty and her love of nail polish. A self described "recovering workaholic", she’s on a mission to encourage others to prioritize their personal well being as they accomplish their goals.

sainte nèl


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3/5/22, 1:53 AM

The tea blends are fantastic. The flavors work so well together. Especially when paired with their honeys! I love the Blow tea (it’s blue and gorgeous!) mixed with Crime honey. Plus What the Flu saved me in the winter. It’s sooo good!

average rating is 5 out of 5


3/1/22, 2:08 PM

Okay, so this may be a long review because my experience was amaaaazing. First, my homegirl dropped a link in the group chat which led me to making my first purchase w/ Ivy's Tea. And it was worth it! I'll be honest and say I'm not a big tea drinker, so after reading about all the blends, I decided to start with Sister Sister, Nip's Tea and So Anxious and Crime (honey). I instantly am in love with this brand. Sister Sister and Nip's Tea are soooo smooth and good and just take you to a place you need to be. They smell amazing.

I really love the overall vibe behind this brand and I can't wait to try more blends and honeys, and recommend to the tea loving homies.

average rating is 5 out of 5

Romena Mitchell

3/1/22, 2:49 AM

The teas and honeys are great. Since I am a teaholic I have bought almost every tea Ivy's Tea Co. has. My favorite tea is C.R.E.A.M. and pairing it with the So Icy honey is AMAZING hot or iced. I always brew my leaves twice. The service is excellent and my orders have been filled quick.

average rating is 5 out of 5


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